Monday, June 19, 2006


I had a very interesting conversation with a gOOD fFRIEND of MiNe this afternoon. It was ABout BUsiNeSS. aFTER THat conversation I felt like to share my KInD of A sTORY ON bUSINESS ESPecially Direct selling.

I had myself involved in several DS programs, most of them dealing with cosmetics and women accesories. In this type of business or any other, it is not the product that matters so much. But it is the person who sell it.

It is THE honesty, transparency and care from you that actually attract people to buy or to be part of that business. TOO MUCH Reservations or keeping secrets from a prospective customers is very dangerous 'cos it could easily instill bad speculations.

I always feel to be as transparent as possible is the best thing to do. At the end of the day, u can go home and sleep well. Why? Because u don't have to think hard the answer if let's say some customers found out. And the most important thing is that YOU WILL FEEL GOOD ABOUT YOURSELF for WHAT GOOD THING YOU and your product would bring to your customer. After all, rezeki comes from ALLAH. You have done your PART which is USAHA (putting eFFORt).

The last thing you got to do is TAWAKKAL. Right?

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